Privacy policies

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Privacy is something which everyone wants when it comes to personal details. We understand the concern of our users about the security and privacy of their personal details. We follow ethical path and hence, we want to share our privacy policy with you. Here is how your personal information is handled.

All the information about any student is strictly kept confidential.

No third party is included where the information can get leaked out.

All the tutor information is kept within the company, and is not given to any third party.

All the payments are done via PayPal and other merchants. PayPal has verified our payment method. It is the safest payment gateway on which a student can trust. Your credit card details and other personal information will not be shared with any third party.

Your personal information can only get disclosed if we are asked to do so by the law. It can be in form of a court order or judicial proceedings. This is in case, some situation arise where we need to protect the legal rights of our website.

You are required to review our privacy policy frequently since, reserves the right to make necessary modifications in this privacy policy any time. Any changes made will be directly posted here. Your continued use of the services or software on our site, constitutes your agreement to be bound by these changes